We are grateful to these groups and Churches which support or have supported the Pilgrimage in many ways, including: sharing their facilities, publicity, as well as financial gifts.
Baptist Peace Fellowships of PA & DE
The Center (Bethlehem)
Church of the Brethren:
Commission on Witness, Atlantic North-East District;
Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem Peace and Justice Commission
Evangelical Lutheran Church:
Peace and Justice Committee, Northeastern Penna Synod
Hibernia Peace Plantation
Kirkridge Retreat Center
Lehigh County Conference of Churches
Lehigh Presbytery
LEPOCO Peace Center
Mennonite Central Committee, US Peace & Justice Ministries
Nazareth Moravian Church
Peace on Earth /Every Church a Peace Church
Pax Christi, Lehigh Valley Group
Peace & Justice Committee of the Eastern District and Franconia Mennonite Conferences
The Religious Society of Friends:
Bucks Quarterly Meeting
Peace Committee, Baltimore Yearly Meeting; Peace & Concerns and Support and Outreach
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting; and Lehigh Valley Monthly Meeting
Unitarian Universalist Church of The Lehigh Valley
United Church of Christ, Penn North-East Conference
United Methodist Church, Church & Society Work Team, East Penn Conference
The Christmas Peace Pilgrimage welcomes additional church and community organizations as co-sponsors
of the annual Pilgrimage. To contact the Peace Pilgrimage, write or call:
Christmas Peace Pilgrimage
C/O Lehigh County Conference of Churches
457 W Allen St
Allentown PA 18102
Phone: 610 433 6421 ext 6422
or use this email: lvpeacewalk@gmail.com