Pilgrims pass by the luminaries at the end of our walk.
Walk the Road of Peace
The Pilgrimage began in 1960
as a Christian witness for peace.
We welcome all persons of any age to join
the Pilgrimage, symbolic of the journey of
Mary and Joseph.
During the 10 mile trek from Nazareth
to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania we seek to
reflect the non-violent life of Jesus Christ
and his truth of forgiving love.
Walk with your family and friends and
make new friends with others
who seek a more peaceful world.
Join us
Interested in helping us plan the next Peace Walk? Join our next planning meeting on
March 11 at 7pm (check back for the zoom link)

Pilgrimage participants meet at the parking lot at
529 E. Broad Street, Bethlehem before 10:45 AM, when buses depart promptly.
Buses transport pilgrims to Nazareth Moravian Church on Center Square where the Pilgrimage begins.
The Pilgrimage follows PA 191. Persons join at any point along the way. Dress appropriately for the weather; pilgrims walk in sun, wind, rain or snow for a route of about 10 miles. Support vehicles are available to pick up those who would like assistance for part of the way or a ride back to their vehicles.
Pilgrims arrive at Christ United Church of Christ, Market & Center Streets, Bethlehem, around 5:30 pm for a light supper and short closing gathering.
Spread the word!
This 60+ year tradition is an opportunity to come together and witness for peace, as friends, neighbors, families and strangers.
Please join us in this unique event and help us spread the word-- invite your community to walk for peace.
Like and share our Facebook page.

For more information call:
Rick Dow at 610-442-2670
or: Lehigh Conference of Churches
Dubs Community Center
457 W. Allen St.
Allentown, PA 18102
Lehigh Conference of Churches,
610-433-6421 ext 6422
Route (updated)

10:30 am
10:45 am
Buses begin loading
529 E. Broad St
The Center, Bethlehem
Buses Depart promptly
Pilgrimage begins at
4 Main St.
Moravian Church, Nazareth
Rest Stop (w/ Apples)
323 Nazareth Pike (Rt. 191)
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rest Stop (w/ Hot Cocoa)
3235 Linden St.
First Baptist Church
Candle Lighting
W. Durham & Masslich St
College Hill Moravian Church
Carol Singing
11 W. Church St.
Bethlehem Area Public Library
Fellowship, Conversation and Light supper
75 E. Market St.
Christ United Church of Christ
(Map is not to scale)